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  • Emilee Keenan

Week 1 of Genius Hour

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Mine and Emilee practiced french numbers and simple greetings and we have been doing pretty good, we do have some mispronunciations here and there but we are getting the hang of it the more we practice the vocabulary. On the first day we researched and tried to find websites to help us find simple greetings or simple words to learn just to know the basics of communicating in french and by the end of the 2 weeks, we hope to be able to carry a conversation with each other. French is a pretty hard language to learn especially with all the accents. On the second day we practiced till we understood the meanings and how to use them correctly in a conversation. On the third day we recorded and practiced and revised everything we needed to work on. On the fourth day we had a conversation and kept practicing till we got it right. Then the fifth day we recorded and finished editing and we are practicing to add more to week 2.

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