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  • Emilee Keenan

WEEK 10 podcast 7 ( Biggest fears)

This is our seventh podcast of me and emilee's. In this podcast we talked about death because these thought really make me think because what happens after you die? Will people remember me? its crazy how life keeps going after you die because how am i dead but in earth Emilee's watching tiktoks in bed? i don't get how it works and it creeps me out. Dying at a young age scares us out too because its how we die and how we will end up regretting how we lived because we didn't live our live to our fullest. We also talked about how if our memories actually happened, like how we go from one place to another, and one hour goes by and were in a new setting. To me its crazy how time passes so fast

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WEEK 11 podcast 8 ( religion)

this is me and Emilee's eighth podcast. In this topic we talked about religion and this is a short recap on what we talked about. We feel like as kids we were all pressured to go to church and for me

WEEK 9 podcast 6 ( school and how draining it is)

This is me and Emilee's podcast. a quick run down about our topic is how school feels repetitive and how much stress is put upon you, and how teachers expectations are sometimes way to high for studen

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