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  • Emilee Keenan

WEEK 9 podcast 6 ( school and how draining it is)

This is me and Emilee's podcast. a quick run down about our topic is how school feels repetitive and how much stress is put upon you, and how teachers expectations are sometimes way to high for students, were not saying all teacher because for example Mr Barker is one of the most understanding teachers i've ever met this year. Sometimes student find themselves in home situations that they don't have time to complete work, even sleep at all because its either taking care of siblings or jobs or any kind of home situation, and some teachers will not care, they will expect all their work done but what about other classes? All students have a bunch of work from different classes and sometimes its hard to catch up on everything. All of this pressure can make you go into depression, give anxiety, and these aren't the things that schools should be doing.

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WEEK 11 podcast 8 ( religion)

this is me and Emilee's eighth podcast. In this topic we talked about religion and this is a short recap on what we talked about. We feel like as kids we were all pressured to go to church and for me

WEEK 10 podcast 7 ( Biggest fears)

This is our seventh podcast of me and emilee's. In this podcast we talked about death because these thought really make me think because what happens after you die? Will people remember me? its crazy

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