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  • Emilee Keenan

WEEK 11 podcast 8 ( religion)

this is me and Emilee's eighth podcast. In this topic we talked about religion and this is a short recap on what we talked about. We feel like as kids we were all pressured to go to church and for me i went to two different church so the beliefs were different and as a kid it confuses you and you don't know what to believe. I think a huge reasons why so many young adult now are disconnected with god is because of the pressure they were given to attend church.

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WEEK 10 podcast 7 ( Biggest fears)

This is our seventh podcast of me and emilee's. In this podcast we talked about death because these thought really make me think because what happens after you die? Will people remember me? its crazy

WEEK 9 podcast 6 ( school and how draining it is)

This is me and Emilee's podcast. a quick run down about our topic is how school feels repetitive and how much stress is put upon you, and how teachers expectations are sometimes way to high for studen

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