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  • Emilee Keenan

WEEK 8 podcast 5 ( our lowest point and how we kept going)

This is me and Emilee's fifth podcast. this is going to be a quick recap about what this topic was about and our views. me and Emilee's lowest point would have to be right now, we are trying to get out of this mental state but at times we have this feeling where everything is crashing around you but we have to keep a mindset where we have to stay positive and that everything it will get better but with time, everything has its time. we all just have to keep that positive attitude and how we handle certain situations because when you start getting into a negative mindset the more of a habit it become and its like a rabbit hole you will get stuck and everything is repeating over and over again.

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WEEK 11 podcast 8 ( religion)

this is me and Emilee's eighth podcast. In this topic we talked about religion and this is a short recap on what we talked about. We feel like as kids we were all pressured to go to church and for me

WEEK 10 podcast 7 ( Biggest fears)

This is our seventh podcast of me and emilee's. In this podcast we talked about death because these thought really make me think because what happens after you die? Will people remember me? its crazy

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