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  • Emilee Keenan

Week 4 podcast 1 ( how we met/ our first impression on each other)

when we first started genius hour, our first idea was to try new things like foods, candy, clothing styles, and hairstyles. We also tried to get out of our comfort zone through those ideas, like being more open to people and different culture foods, just things that we have not tried in general, we are also not picky eaters either, how i know this is because i made her try some Mexican candy but she thought it was too spicy... Me and Emilee throughout week 3 we decided to change it up because we no longer liked the idea, we decided on a different idea which was podcast, and later on through out the weeks you will see what our podcast are about and our topic we spoke on.

This podcast is about how we met and how we got close within the spam of three months, and a quick overview about what we talked about is, Emilee had a bad impression of me she thought I was mean and would not be friends with her but later on she explains that she was way off, that i was really nice and we actually related in a lot of topics and i think that's one of the reasons we got close. My first thoughts about Emilee was that she was really shy and I was right but I got her out of comfort zone I made her try new things, and become more open. Through out these three months we connected really well and made so many new memories and hopefully more to come.

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WEEK 11 podcast 8 ( religion)

this is me and Emilee's eighth podcast. In this topic we talked about religion and this is a short recap on what we talked about. We feel like as kids we were all pressured to go to church and for me

WEEK 10 podcast 7 ( Biggest fears)

This is our seventh podcast of me and emilee's. In this podcast we talked about death because these thought really make me think because what happens after you die? Will people remember me? its crazy

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