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  • Emilee Keenan

about our project

This is our first week of genius hour, but before I tell you what the first week is I'm going to tell you the overall idea of our project. Me and Stephanie both are very shy and don't like getting out of our comfort zone but we have always wanted to, so our idea is to do different things every week over the time of 12 weeks. By the end of this, our goal is to be more outgoing and overall less shy than we are now.

For our start of genius hour, we are going to be learning a new language, we picked French as the language we are going to learn. This is the only one we will be doing for two weeks instead of just one. Our goal is by the end of the two weeks we will know some of the basics for French. Some examples are how to introduce ourselves, how to say hello and goodbye, and asking someone how they're doing. To learn we are going to use Duo-lingo which is an app where you can pick out of many different languages and it will help you learn them over time.

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